
Journals > HPNLU Law Journal > Volume-III

The Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla, is launching Third Volume of its annual publication, HPNLU Law Journal (HLJ) (ISSN: 2582-8533). In this regard, submissions, under different categories, are invited form interested faculty members, research scholars, judges, professionals, and students. The volume is not restricted to any particular theme and manuscripts with an inter-disciplinary perspective on contemporary socio-legal issues, theories, and developments awaiting scholarly treatment are encouraged. The last date for submission of manuscripts is June 30, 2023. Please refer to the detailed advertisement of call for papers for submitting your manuscripts.

All queries and submissions must be directed to - lawjournal.editor@hpnlu.ac.in

Categories of Submissions

Categories of Submission

Articles - 7000-12000 Words

Case Comments - 4000-8000 Words

Notes or Legislative Review - 5000-8000 Words

Book Reviews - 1500-3000 Words

Note The word limit prescribed for each category is inclusive of the footnotes and references.


There is no prescribed theme(s) or topic(s) for the HLJ.

All submissions, whether relating to the legal developments directly or otherwise, are welcome. Inter-disciplinary studies are promoted and contemporary topics of socio-economic relevance are suggested to the writers.


All contributions have to be submitted in the electronic form. The paper should be processed in MS Office and the following guidelines must be followed –

1.   Paragraphs should be double spaced.

2. Margin on the left and the right-hand side for the paragraphs should be one and half inches.

3.  Font should be in type – Palatino Linotype and size – 11, throughout the paper.

4.   Footnotes should be in font size 10.

5.  Use of italics, bold font, and single inverted commas is suggested for the manuscript.




Each submission should include in the first page an Abstract of the paper. The length of the abstract should not exceed 300 words.

Acceptance & Communication

The decision on the acceptance of the paper for publication will be of the editorial board which shall be final. The decision of acceptance will be communicated to the contributor.

Due to the large number of submissions that the HLJ receives, it would not be feasible to reply to each contributor individually. Therefore, in case you do not receive any communication from the team, kindly consider your contribution, as not being considered for the current volume. The contributors are however encouraged to research and improvise and resubmit the paper for future volume(s) of the HLJ.


The last date for submission of manuscript is 30 June, 2023.


1.  Citation: For citation and references, The Bluebook, A Uniform System of Citation (20th Edn.), should be strictly followed. (Author(s) may visit freely accessible citation style of HPNLU Shimla here.

2.   Lengthy Quotations discouraged: Author(s) should avoid long quotations and keep it at minimum wherever necessary with full and proper acknowledgement.

3.  Footnotes: Lengthy and multi-paragraph footnotes are discouraged. It should mention the page(s) of the source(s) and in case where a Court Judgment issued, the footnote should also mention the paragraph of the judgment in addition to the page number of the Reporter.

4.  Websites: Only authoritative websites may be cited. References to internet sources such as Wikipedia, blogs, commercial websites, etc., are not acceptable.


1. Extension of Call for Papers: HLJ Vol. - III (2022) Uploaded on : 01-Jun-2023
2. Call for Papers: HLJ Vol. - III (2022) Uploaded on : 22-Mar-2023

HPNLU Law Journal