(ISSN – 2582-1903) SHIMLA LAW REVIEW (UGC CARE Listed Journal) (ISSN – 2582-1903) Shimla Law Review (SLR) is the flagship publication of the University published both in the print and electronic format. The Review has been in publication since the academic session 2018-19. The first volume of the journal was released in April 2018 by Hon’ble Mr. Justice A. K. Sikri, Judge, Supreme Court of India. The SLR is also included in the list of journals published by the UGC Consortium for Academic Research and Ethics (UGC-CARE). The Review promotes inter & multi-disciplinary research in law. Within the period of four years of its inception, the journal has achieved immense academic accolades. The paper published in its previous volumes have received appreciation from academicians, bar & bench alike. The learned Attorney General of India has also cherished the publication through a letter of appreciation. Papers published in Shimla Law Review has been chosen as one of the best fifty-one papers published in English, under peer reviewed journals from across the world, in the decade, 2010-2020, by Cross Examination Debate Association, the United States. Some of the papers published in its previous Volumes have found place amongst the most downloaded papers in the category of ‘jurisprudence and theoretical inquiry’, from the SSRN database. The Review encourages submissions related to multiple themes and diverse fields in law. Interested contributors may refer to the publication policy and submission guidelines of the Shimla Law review given below. All volumes of the Law review are freely accessible on its webpage clicking the link to the specific volume HPNLU, SHIMLA CITATION STYLE (Click here)
(ISSN – 2582-1903)
(UGC CARE Listed Journal)
Shimla Law Review (SLR) is the flagship publication of the University published both in the print and electronic format. The Review has been in publication since the academic session 2018-19. The first volume of the journal was released in April 2018 by Hon’ble Mr. Justice A. K. Sikri, Judge, Supreme Court of India.
The SLR is also included in the list of journals published by the UGC Consortium for Academic Research and Ethics (UGC-CARE).
The Review promotes inter & multi-disciplinary research in law. Within the period of four years of its inception, the journal has achieved immense academic accolades. The paper published in its previous volumes have received appreciation from academicians, bar & bench alike. The learned Attorney General of India has also cherished the publication through a letter of appreciation.
Papers published in Shimla Law Review has been chosen as one of the best fifty-one papers published in English, under peer reviewed journals from across the world, in the decade, 2010-2020, by Cross Examination Debate Association, the United States. Some of the papers published in its previous Volumes have found place amongst the most downloaded papers in the category of ‘jurisprudence and theoretical inquiry’, from the SSRN database.
The Review encourages submissions related to multiple themes and diverse fields in law. Interested contributors may refer to the publication policy and submission guidelines of the Shimla Law review given below. All volumes of the Law review are freely accessible on its webpage clicking the link to the specific volume
(Click here)
Volume-VII (2024-25)
Volume-VI (2023-24)
Volume-V (2022)
Volume-IV (2021)
Volume-III (2020)
Volume-II (2019)
Volume-I (2018)
Publication Policy
Submission Guidelines